Featured image for Valnut


by Elizabeth Freeman on 02/16/2016 | 4 Minute Read

Editorial photograph

The beautiful process of discovery through packaging is at the core of this design. Estudio Pablo Guerrero created the brand identity and packaging for Valunt, a brand of walnuts grown in a small plot of land in Spain. “This is a brand new experience in this region, and has required more than 10 years to uncover the quality of the nuts. In this time, the grower has learnt and grown alongside his trees."

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The packaging and visual identity wanted to bring to life the knowledge and loving labor behind this business. Commenting on the project, the team at the studio says “The visual identity synthesises through its logo the idea of the walnut as the brains and heart of the brand.”“The bag unfold a tale of knowledge and thorough learning. We've been inspired by the fieldwork notebooks made by biologists, which feature illustrations and commentaries on the local flora.”

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Creative Director: Pablo Guerrero Illustration: Pablo Pino Photo: Quique Bueno Coordination: Henar R. Vega 

Designed by Estudio Pablo Guerrero

Client: Granja San Blas S.L.

Country: Spain